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EMI Teaching and Learning:
Perspective from EMI Educators


Shao-Ting Hung

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

April 20th 13:00-14:15

スクリーンショット 2024-03-19 午前11.03.23.png


Enhancing English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in Taiwan's Higher Education: Perspectives from Stakeholders

In recent years, Taiwan has undergone a significant shift towards internationalization in higher education, marked by the implementation of the 2030 Bilingual Policy. This policy aims to enhance the quality and quantity of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) courses across universities, preparing students for a globalized academic environment. While universities have made strides in increasing EMI provision and supporting students, challenges persist, particularly in the pedagogical realm.


This panel brings together key stakeholders in EMI education, including policy makers, teacher trainers, and content area practitioners, to address critical issues and strategies in EMI implementation. The panelists will explore the following questions:


1. Teaching Philosophy and EMI Experiences: Panelists will share their EMI teaching experiences and discuss how these experiences align with their teaching philosophies, providing insights into effective EMI pedagogy.


2. Challenges Faced by EMI Instructors: What are the common concerns that hinder EMI instructors from starting or continuing their EMI instruction? Panelists will identify barriers and potential solutions to enhance EMI instruction quality.


3. Policy Formulation and Implementation: When developing EMI-related policies, what factors should be considered? What are the main resistances to these policies, and how can they be addressed through effective strategies?


4. Student Readiness for EMI Courses: What skills and abilities should students possess before and after taking EMI courses? Panelists will discuss strategies to improve student readiness for EMI instruction.


5. Future of Taiwan's Higher Education: By 2030, what transformations can be expected in Taiwan's higher education landscape as a result of the 2030 Bilingual Policy and EMI initiatives? Panelists will share their visions for the future of EMI in Taiwan.


This panel discussion aims to provide valuable insights and recommendations for advancing EMI practices in Taiwan's higher education, fostering a more globally competitive academic environment. 




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