EMI and Language Education:
A Translanguaging Perspective
I-Chung Ke
Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
April 19th 14:50-16:05

EMI and Language Education: A Translanguaging Perspective
This panel discusses issues involving implementation of translanguaging in EMI and language education settings. As the concept of translanguaging becomes more prevalent, more and more practitioners have started to incorporate it in their classrooms. In this panel, we are honored to present 4 renowned researchers to share with us their wisdom on translanguaging in EMI and language education. Both theoretical concepts and empirical results are presented.
First, Professor Angel Lin will enlighten us with the 4Ts framework that transcends language, semiotics, knowledge, and culture. In light of the rapid development in generative AI, the new perspectives will be imperative. Then, Professor Sender Dovchin will address the issues surrounding the emotional aspects of implementing translanguaging in EMI contexts. One potential advantage of translanguaging is the psychological feelings of safety that certain linguistic resources provide, particularly students’ L1 or language elements they are familiar with. Emotion plays a critical role in teaching and learning. After the conceptual discussions, the next 2 panelists will share key findings from their empirical studies. Professor Yeh, Hui-Chin will show how translaguaging facilitates local Taiwanese college students’ intercultural learning while Professor Qin, Kongji shares 7 principles of translanguaging practices based on a discourse study in a US multilingual science classroom.
This panel offers audience conceptual illuminations and practical suggestions for translanguaging pedagogies. As the technological advancement increases, educators will be better prepared with more understandings of a translanguaging perspective.